Leaving hospital after a stroke

The length of stay in hospital after a stroke can vary from a few days to a number of months depending of the severity of the stroke and the support available at home. People were not usually discharged home until they were able to get around safely either in a wheelchair or walking and were able to get in and out of bed. If a person lived alone they were also assessed to see whether they could make a drink and a basic meal for themselves. Some people returned home and were provided with a care package (see ‘Continuing care at home and institutional care‘).

A few people had discharged themselves from hospital early because they were not happy with the care, were desperate to get back to familiar surroundings or were concerned about things that needed to get done because no one else was available to do it. As a consequence they often encountered problems accessing rehabilitation services.

Ralph discharged himself from hospital because he was concerned about the tasks that needed to be…

Age at interview 69

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Age at diagnosis 66

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Discharged herself from hospital because she was desperate to get home and didn’t want to be on a…

Age at interview 41

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Preparation for going home
The rehabilitation in hospital was nearly always focussed on getting people physically fit enough to get home and preparing them for everyday tasks such as washing, dressing and preparing food (see ‘Stroke recovery: physical aspects and mobility‘ and ‘Stroke recovery: daily activities’).

Part of this process can involve a visit home with the occupational therapist and sometimes a social worker. This visit was to assess the house and look at requirements for adaptations such as ramps to get in and out of the house, hand rails in the bathroom, shower and toilet seats and hand rails on the stairs. Some people were also assessed to see how they managed in the kitchen.

On her home visit they assessed her home to see what adaptations she needed and how she coped in…

Age at interview 79

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Weekend visits
Leading up to their discharge home some people we spoke to had been on one or more overnight or weekend visits or trips out, for example to a park or café. Weekend visits were generally a great boost although some found them difficult as the experience brought home to them the extent of their disability and made them feel vulnerable. They were often glad to return to the security of the hospital.

When he came home for the weekend they moved his bed downstairs and he had to use a commode but…

Age at interview 56

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Enjoyed visits home from the hospital and out in the evening, although they made him very aware…

Age at interview 47

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Although most people had achieved some mobility (either in a wheelchair or walking) by the time they went on these visits, they were often unable to negotiate stairs and it was sometimes necessary to have a temporary bed downstairs and a commode.

Adaptations for homes or moving to a new home
Many people talked about adaptation or aids for living at home such as stair rails, shower rails, stools and so on with an occupational therapist. Most were happy to have any adaptations; however, a few did not want their house to reflect their disability and refused adaptations. One woman later changed her mind and had a stair rail installed. Whilst most were entitled to some help with adaptations to their home, others were not, or were frustrated by the length of time that they had to wait for adaptation and had used large amounts of their own savings to have it done themselves. One woman was who had broken her leg since the stroke was still waiting for a toilet and shower downstairs which she found extremely frustrating.

She refused to have adaptations made to her house because she did not want it to reflect her…

Age at interview 54

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She has been waiting a long time for a bathroom to be put in downstairs. In the mean time she has…

Age at interview 76

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One man explained that he had to move to a more suitable house. He found it difficult that his wife had to arrange decorators as he would have previously done the work himself.

He moved to a more suitable house because of his mobility problems and found it hard that his…

Age at interview 50

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Feelings about being home
Most people were really happy to be home back in a familiar environment without the disruptions of the hospital which could sometimes lead them to have sleepless nights.

Some people were, however, frightened of having another stroke and missed the security of being watched over by health professionals in the hospital. Others, particularly those who lived alone or those who had been in hospital for many months, missed the company of the other patients. One woman missed the excellent care in the hospital and initially found it difficult to rely on the Social Services department. Friends and families could sometimes find this indifference to being home difficult to understand. One man felt overwhelmed when first arriving at home, describing it as equivalent to “jumping off a cliff”. It was an adjustment not only for him but his wife and young children.

The transition home was difficult for Gavin and his family as they all had to adjust together.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 45

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When she came home she missed the company and the support of the hospital staff.

Age at interview 89

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She felt very vulnerable and frightened at being home and thinks her husband did not understand….

Age at interview 66

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People valued the support and help of their family on their return home as they were often surprised how tired they felt at doing even simple tasks such as dressing. This time could also be overwhelming for the person caring as they often had to take on new responsibilities.

When he first got home he found even getting washed and dressed very tiring and was very…

Age at interview 54

Gender Male

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Last reviewed June 2017.
Last updated August 2011

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