Repeat visits to medical professionals for psoriasis

Everyone we talked to had seen doctors about psoriasis more than once, including getting a diagnosis. People didn’t always see the same doctor, sometimes because they had moved (such as going to university), chose not to or their GP was unavailable. Louie felt he had been ‘bounced around to all different GPs’ but, since being referred, likes seeing the same dermatologist each time. A few continued to visit the same doctor throughout – Damini travels home from her university city to see her ‘family doctor [who] knows me better’ than a new GP would.

Many people had been referred to dermatology at some point. Some hadn’t known at first that they could see a dermatologist, didn’t want to go onto ‘harsher’ treatments yet or their GP refused to refer them. Adam remembers a time when his GP said his psoriasis wasn’t considered severe enough for a dermatology referral. Carys, whose psoriasis was severe when she was finally diagnosed, wishes she had been ‘a bit more pushy’ with her GP about getting a dermatology appointment sooner.

Simon hopes to see a dermatologist in the future but doesn’t know what to expect.

Age at interview 22

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Age at diagnosis 17

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Hannah was able to choose which dermatology department she could be referred to. She researched this and chose one at a medical teaching hospital.

Age at interview 24

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Age at diagnosis 16

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Those who were referred found there can be a long waiting time. Louie was told to expect to wait six weeks but it ended up being four months.

Lucy’s parents initially paid for her to see a dermatologist privately.

Age at interview 24

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Age at diagnosis 11

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Occupational Health at Carys’ workplace helped her see a dermatologist quicker, as her psoriasis was impacting on her job as a nurse.

Age at interview 23

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Age at diagnosis 22

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Most people went to a general dermatology clinic, but some had been to a clinic specially run for children and young people (paediatric dermatology). Zara now attends a ‘teenage clinic which means that I only have to leave school about ten minutes earlier’ and so she doesn’t miss out on classes as much.

Ella will soon be treated under adult dermatology and thinks this will mean being more independent.

Age at interview 16

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Age at diagnosis 3

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Seeing doctors and having treatments was an ongoing part of having psoriasis for most people we talked to. Even if a treatment was successful, some still saw a dermatologist every few weeks or months as they knew it might return at any time. Simon highlighted that psoriasis is a chronic condition, meaning it’s likely to come and go over time. Zara sees her dermatologist every 3-4 months ‘just to discuss where we are and what option [of treatment] we’re going to look at next’. Phototherapy treatment can be demanding because it usually involves attending hospital several times a week for several weeks. Some treatments, like methotrexate and biological injections, require going for frequent blood tests. People mentioned that it can be frustrating going back to the doctors and trying treatments all the time, as well as:

  • expensive (prescriptions costs, private medical care, travel costs)
  • time-consuming and require time off school, university or work for appointments. Lucy had to take time off from her job for a dermatology appointment when her psoriasis was severe, but found her boss wasn’t very understanding.

Zara felt fed up having to spend time in hospitals and seeing different doctors without her psoriasis improving.

Age at interview 16

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Age at diagnosis 2

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It was difficult for Louie to keep going back to the doctors in search of a diagnosis as his mum works full-time.

Age at interview 16

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Age at diagnosis 13

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Steven likes being able to try different emollients (moisturisers) to see which work for him.

Age at interview 22

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Age at diagnosis 14

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Some people didn’t see a doctor frequently but would go if their psoriasis came back again. Damini’s flare-ups happen so quickly that she often doesn’t have time to make a GP appointment before it ‘takes over’.

Russell says he manages his psoriasis well with steroid creams and avoiding triggers, so he doesn’t go to the GP often.

Age at interview 20

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Age at diagnosis 19

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Louis had a one-off period of post-viral psoriasis’ but his doctors didn’t know at the time how long it would last.

Age at interview 21

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Age at diagnosis 18

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