Messages to others about stroke

We asked the people we interviewed what advice they would give to other people who have had a stroke. Here is what they said.

Your recovery

Many people talked about the importance of determination, perseverance, and patience in both physical and mental aspects of recovery. On the physical side, keeping up with physiotherapy and doing exercises on one’s own were emphasised. At the same time, it was suggested that it is important to recognise personal limitations by balancing activity and exercise with rest. On the mental side, positive thinking, and goal setting were thought be to be helpful during the recovery process.

It’s up to you to fight it and to help yourself.

Age at interview 66

Gender Male

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You have to be motivated to recover and find ways to occupy your life.

Age at interview 59

Gender Male

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Try to do as much as you can for yourself and don’t rely on other people or you’ll lose your…

Age at interview 83

Gender Female

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It’s important to have something to look forward to and to set yourself goals to work towards, no…

Age at interview 66

Gender Female

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Take the tablets and do what the health professionals advise because they wouldn’t be telling you…

Age at interview 63

Gender Male

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Being realistic

The importance of setting reasonable goals and making the best of the situation was emphasised.

Gavin talks about fighting to recover versus acceptance.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 45

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Individuals suggested that is helpful to get in touch with other people who have had a stroke such as through a support group. Individuals felt that it was important and helpful to communicate with other people who have had the same problem. Being proactive by seeking help and care in the community was encouraged.

Get in touch with the Stroke Association for good information. It’s good to meet other people who…

Age at interview 64

Gender Female

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Approach to life

Many individuals talked about the importance of self-efficacy (believing in yourself), accepting the condition but also being determined to improve and get stronger. Having a positive outlook as much as possible was encouraged.

Live life and smile a lot and be happy.

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

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Developing new interests and keeping in contact with friends was encouraged.

Never give up. Keep in contact with friends and others, develop new interests in new areas.

Age at interview 54

Gender Female

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Don’t give into it, fight it and it will get better and you can have a decent living.

Age at interview 85

Gender Male

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Don’t lose hope, build up strength, take an interest in life.

Don’t worry and try and carry on as normal as possible and think positively.

Age at interview 83

Gender Female

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Finding information about strokes

People we talked to had found out about stroke from a wide range of sources including the general media, medical dictionaries, libraries, leaflets, books and...