Messages to the NHS, universities and research funders about patient and public involvement

As we discuss elsewhere (‘Organisational support and leadership for patient and public involvement‘ and ‘Embedding patient and public involvement in research‘), researchers talked about organisational and policy drivers in favour of involvement. Here we summarise messages researchers wanted to get across to a range of organisations, including the NHS, research funders and universities.

The NHS National Institute for Health Research was felt to be a major driving force in favour of involvement, and one which other research funders could learn from. In Wales, Involving People was also felt to have played an important role. However, researchers felt there was still a long way to go in ensuring that all grant applications are written with patient and public input at the early stages and include meaningful plans for continued involvement throughout the study, and that sufficient funding for involvement plans is seen as a legitimate part of any bid (see also ‘Embedding patient and public involvement in research‘). The role of universities in supporting infrastructure and the problems of short-term funding and short-term contracts were also raised (see also ‘Organisational support and leadership for patient and public involvement‘).

Stuart says the NIHR has done a fabulous job’ in promoting involvement. Emphasis on impact’ in assessing research excellence has also helped universities prioritise it.

Age at interview 59

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NIHR and INVOLVE have played a major role in supporting PPI, but it features more in some funding streams than others. Suzanne argues that we need a more joined up approach.

Age at interview 40

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NIHR’s insistence on PPI is great, but some funders still try to trim PPI costs. Short-term grant-related funding is not ideal; universities should invest in the infrastructure.

Age at interview 51

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Alice and Catherine worried about how funders judge grant applications and how they assess whether involvement plans are appropriate.

Alice worries that funders may overlook projects which are valuable but do not lend themselves to PPI. It shouldn’t be forced into everything.

Age at interview 26

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Catherine worries that NIHR funder reviews of PPI plans can be very inconsistent. One reviewer suggested she was not qualified to lead PPI. There is a lack of time and infrastructure to support her.

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There was some discussion of the ‘impact’ agenda, whereby university research outputs are now judged partly on their impact as well as their research quality, for the Research Excellence Framework or REF. (Impact for REF was defined by the Higher Education Funding Council for England as ‘an effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia’). While Stuart thought this focus on the wider usefulness of research would encourage universities to be positive about patient involvement, Sergio was concerned that universities and funders should not take too narrow a view of what is ‘useful’.

Emphasis on impact’ in assessing research excellence helps universities prioritise involvement despite resource pressures. Impact’ should not just be about economic impact.

Age at interview 59

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Sergio feels short-term views of the usefulness of research threaten blue skies’ thinking and less applied humanities subjects. Patient views should only be one criterion.

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Various ideas for better support were put forward, including guidance on best practice, realistic funding mechanisms that allow for the implementation of PPI even before a grant application has been awarded, and training to encourage researchers to think more broadly about PPI.

Sarah agrees paying people is an important principle, but wants firmer national guidance on what to pay and how to cost this in grant proposals. Slow payment processes can feel disrespectful.

Age at interview 32

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Vanessa would like clearer feedback from funding reviewers on how far the level of PPI in an application affected the eventual funding decision.

Age at interview 42

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John would like to see more nationally coordinated mechanisms for finding people to involve.

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Being on short-term contracts makes it hard for researchers to build long-term involvement. Research Design Service funding support for early involvement has been helpful.

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Both Suzanne and Vanessa argued for more national coordination and leadership. Suzanne commented: ‘Its fragmented and theres not a lot of joined-up-ness around it at all’. People are aware of pockets of good practice, ‘but actually if that person leaves where does it go? Probably disappears.’

Vanessa would like to see more national leadership, networking and shared learning. Too often involvement is delegated to junior people with little support or job security.

Age at interview 42

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The NIHR has recently published a strategic review of research involvement ‘Going the Extra Mile’ which addresses some of these issues, and recognises the need for a whole-system approach (see Resources).