Attitudes to disability and termination

Most parents we talked to hoped that screening would reassure them their baby was fine. At the same time, they knew the main purpose of antenatal screening was to discover whether the unborn baby had a condition such as Down’s syndrome, spina bifida or a heart problem.

This meant most had thought about what they would do if they found out their baby did have such a condition. They wondered about their ability to support a child with disabilities or special health needs.

Attitudes were strongly affected in some cases by people’s religious beliefs and their concerns about society’s pressure towards perfection (see also Reasons for not having some or all antenatal screening).

Several people interviewed had had previous experience or contact with people with particular disabilities, especially Down’s syndrome, which had influenced their approach to screening and termination. Sometimes it made people feel more certain they would not want to continue with the pregnancy.

One woman said she would not want to see another child go through the same thing as her cousin, and knew how difficult it had been for her aunt. Another said she would be worried about the pressure it would place on the relationship with her partner.

Having seen her cousin’s experience of Down’s syndrome, she would not want to see her own child…

Age at interview 28

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From previous experience, she felt having a baby with Down’s syndrome would put pressure on her…

Age at interview 35

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An older mother felt strongly she would have a termination; she was worried about the longer-term consequences of having a child with disabilities, particularly when he or she became an adult. (See also Special reasons for wanting antenatal screening for the views of people with experience of disability in their immediate family).

She and her husband agreed they would have chosen to end the pregnancy if the baby had Down’s…

Age at interview 37

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A friend who had a child with Down’s syndrome worried about what would happen to the child when…

Age at interview 37

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Other people’s previous experience of family or friends with disabilities had not made them feel they would want to end an affected pregnancy, but they still wanted to find out to prepare themselves. Those without previous experience with people with disabilities had a range of different views.

She would want to be prepared for having a baby with Down’s syndrome, having seen a friend’s…

Age at interview 32

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Having a great-aunt who had Down’s syndrome, she would want to know in advance if her baby had…

Age at interview 39

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It is sometimes suggested that people should only have screening if they are prepared to consider a termination, but not everyone agrees. Some people had been advised by health professionals to think about this carefully. A couple whose baby had Down’s syndrome felt this had not been handled well in their case.

Having talked to her GP, she felt there was little point in having screening if you would not…

Age at interview 35

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When they went for the nuchal scan, the sonographer asked why they would want to know about…

Age at interview 28

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A common alternative view amongst people who wanted screening but did not want a termination was that knowing in advance meant you could prepare, emotionally and practically, for the birth of a baby with special needs. One woman was advised to think in these terms by a doctor in America. Another woman felt screening should be available, not only because preparation was useful but also because you cannot predict how you would actually feel when faced with the reality.

Her doctor in America advised her it was useful preparation to find out before birth if the baby…

Age at interview 39

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It is helpful preparation to find out in advance if the baby has problems.

Age at interview 38

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Down’s syndrome was the condition people seemed to connect to screening. A few had also thought about congenital heart problems, and neural tube problems such as spina bifida. Not surprisingly, there was little discussion of other rare conditions that can be detected by antenatal screening, such as Edward’s, Patau’s or Turner’s syndromes.

One woman had a friend whose family was affected by sickle cell anaemia. She was waiting for blood test results for the condition.

She talked about the impact of sickle cell disease on her friend’s family and how it would affect…

Age at interview 24

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To find out about the experiences of people who found out that their baby had a particular condition and how they made their decisions, please go to the sections Having further tests and waiting for results, Deciding whether to have further diagnostic tests, Deciding to continue with the pregnancy and Deciding to end the pregnancy.

You may also be interested in our sections on Ending a pregnancy for fetal abnormality and Screening for sickle cell and beta thalassaemia. Here you will find more parents talking about their attitudes to disability, long term conditions and termination.

See also Discussing screening choices with your partner.