Deciding whether to have further diagnostic tests

When screening results suggest the baby may have a particular condition, further investigations will be offered to try to give a definite diagnosis.

Suspected heart conditions and neural tube defects such as spina bifida may be investigated by further specialised scans. As these are non-invasive tests which carry no risk, all the people we spoke to in this situation decided to have the further scans. One woman was offered a cardiac scan because she was diabetic and therefore at increased risk of having a baby with a heart condition.

Chromosomal conditions including Down’s syndrome can be detected by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) from 10 weeks in pregnancy, and amniocentesis from around 15 weeks. CVS takes a sample of placenta for analysis, whilst amniocentesis takes a sample of the fluid round the baby. Amniocentesis can also test for neural tube defects.

It usually takes 2–3 weeks to get the full results from these tests. However, most centres offer quick results within 3 working days, using the QF-PCR test, which provides a rapid diagnosis of the most common chromosome abnormalities including Down’s syndrome, Edward’s and Patau’s syndrome. It is important to remember that even though you may be reassured that the baby has not got Down’s syndrome, very occasionally another chromosomal condition is found later following full examination of all the chromosomes.

Rarely, a test called cordocentesis may be carried out later in pregnancy (after 18 weeks). This takes a sample from the umbilical cord, and can provide fast results, but has a miscarriage risk of 1–2%.

She had a cordocentesis when a heart condition was diagnosed in her fifth pregnancy, to check if…

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Both amniocentesis and CVS have a risk of miscarriage of around 1%, so people think very carefully before going ahead. We spoke to two couples both with a previous history of miscarriages, whose nuchal scan results said that there was a high chance of their baby having Down’s syndrome. One decided the risk of another miscarriage was too high and chose not to have amniocentesis. It turned out the baby did not have the condition. The second couple felt they needed certainty and decided to have CVS. Although the baby did not have Down’s syndrome, a cardiac scan offered at the same time as the CVS detected a heart condition.

Their nuchal scan results gave them a chance of 1 in 21. They felt they needed certainty, so they…

Age at interview 36

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Even though it was hard to grasp what was happening to them, many couples saw further tests as the only sensible option. They felt comfortable about staff advising them what they should do next. Some were advised that in the hands of expert staff the miscarriage risk is lower than the national rate, which helped them decide.

They needed definite confirmation that the baby had Patau’s syndrome, and agreed with medical…

Age at interview 39

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They worried about the risk of miscarriage but decided to have CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) in…

Age at interview 34

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Occasionally, people felt a bit pressurised, and one woman felt perhaps she should have waited a few days to think about it. Some people were unhappy if it was assumed in subsequent pregnancies they would want the same tests again. (See also Making a decision to end the pregnancy and Views on screening and feelings in later pregnancies).

She needed to know whether her baby had Down’s syndrome, but felt a bit pressurised into having…

Age at interview 33

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Sometimes healthcare staff assume you will have further tests. When the nuchal scan results in…

Age at interview 39

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Some people felt they already had enough information without further tests. For example, a woman who had already decided to end the pregnancy because of a serious heart condition felt she did not need to know if the baby also had Down’s syndrome.

A couple who decided they wanted to continue the pregnancy also decided against amniocentesis. They briefly had second thoughts until their GP helped them think it through. On the other hand, a woman who had made up her mind to go ahead after being told her baby had a serious heart condition still chose amniocentesis.

They decided to have heart scans only and not amniocentesis. Staff pushed them to consider this…

Age at interview 28

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Meeting someone who had a baby with Down’s syndrome made her re-think whether she should have…

Age at interview 28

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They decided against termination, but had amniocentesis to check if the baby had a chromosomal…

Age at interview 41

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Although nearly everyone felt they had been well advised about a difficult decision, one woman was angry to have no one there to discuss the results with her on that day. She was also unhappy with the information given by the consultant she saw the next day, although things improved when she saw a specialist. She needed accurate information to inform her decision. She felt much better cared for at the specialist hospital, where the professor of fetal medicine made a point of involving her partner.

They felt very well looked after at the specialist hospital they were referred to, and her…

Age at interview 35

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She was unhappy with the information given at her first hospital, but things improved when she…

Age at interview 35

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Several people were influenced by watching TV programmes. This prompted one woman who had a termination in her first pregnancy to have amniocentesis in her second one. It also made another woman decide to have amniocentesis in her first pregnancy instead of screening, even though the doctor performing the amniocentesis queried whether it was necessary. She discovered her baby had Down’s syndrome. Another woman’s family history made her choose amniocentesis despite appearing to be in the low chance category.

Watching a TV programme in her most recent pregnancy made her decide to have amniocentesis to…

Age at interview 38

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Watching a TV programme in her first pregnancy made her realise that screening could not give a…

Age at interview 38

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When she went for amniocentesis, the doctor questioned whether it was necessary, but she chose to…

Age at interview 38

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A few people were offered diagnostic tests instead of screening tests. Having missed the deadline for a combined nuchal scan and blood test, one woman was offered CVS but refused. In America, a woman was strongly advised to have amniocentesis as a routine investigation, but she did not agree.

Her doctor in America recommended amniocentesis as a routine investigation, but she did not agree.

Age at interview 39

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Having missed the deadline for a combined nuchal scan and blood test she was offered CVS …

Age at interview 26

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The non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) is a screening test that can be used to detect Down’s syndrome from a sample of the mother’s blood. This screening test is not currently offered by the NHS, however some NHS Trusts have piloted the test and a number of maternity units do offer testing privately. If the NIPT gives a positive result, an amniocentesis is required for confirmation. For more information see our pregnancy resources.