High Dependency Unit (HDUs)

Some hospitals have High Dependency Units (HDUs), also called step-down, progressive and intermediate care units. HDUs are wards for people who need more intensive observation, treatment and nursing care than is possible in a general ward but slightly less than that given in intensive care. The ratio of nurses to patients may be slightly lower than in intensive care but higher than in most general wards. Some hospitals have a combined ICU and HDU or a certain number of beds in ICU given to HDU patients. In these cases, although a person is not moved to another ward, the level of care is slightly reduced as s/he is no longer in such a critical state. People spend varying lengths of time in HDU, depending on the nature of their illness and the demands on the unit. Some hospitals in the UK have no HDUs, and in these cases people are usually transferred directly from intensive care to a general ward.

“Before a patient is discharged from intensive care, s/he should have another health check (called a short clinical assessment) to identify:
  • any physical or psychological problems
  • the likelihood of any problems developing in the future, and
  • their current rehabilitation needs
  • If the health check shows that the patient could benefit from more structured support, s/he should be given a more detailed health check (called a comprehensive clinical assessment) to identify their rehabilitation needs.”

– NICE CG83 (2009)

Here people talk about their experiences of High Dependency Units.

Hospitals use HDUs in different ways. Some people are admitted before and after planned surgery. Many, who are admitted to ICU as emergencies, are moved to HDU immediately after leaving intensive care. For some of them, especially those who’d spent over a week in intensive care, transferring to HDU was a sign of progress. It meant they were improving, gradually establishing more normal eating and sleeping patterns, and a step closer to going home. Some people described the progress they made in terms of their abilities to grip, walk and communicate. Many said they felt much more alert and orientated once they were in HDU. One woman was discharged immediately after being in HDU. She and her partner both noted the progress she made once she was transferred. A few people remembered having physiotherapy in HDU.

Her hallucinations started wearing off in HDU but she felt bored because she was unable to do…

Age at interview 40

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She was discharged because she could walk and her partner could look after her at home.

Age at interview 46

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When people felt they had a high standard of nursing care and treatment in HDU, they regarded their transfer as a positive move in the right direction. Some people, however, felt they’d been transferred much too early. Others had mixed feelings about moving to HDU because they’d felt so ‘safe’ and secure in intensive care. One woman said ICU was like a ‘security blanket’ because a nurse was by each patient’s side almost all of the time. Some felt anxious as they were improving and found it difficult to cope with other sick patients in close proximity.

He was transferred to HDU after doctors removed his tracheostomy and he gradually started…

Age at interview 46

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He was moved back to HDU on several occasions because of a recurring infection.

Age at interview 68

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She had vague memories of her first time in HDU and found it seemed more crowded the second time…

Age at interview 47

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One woman was unhappy with some of the nursing care she’d had in intensive care and said she was angry when she went to HDU. She felt isolated and that nurses didn’t believe what she was saying.

She found the nursing care she received one of the most upsetting parts of her hospital experience.

Age at interview 55

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When hospitals don’t have HDUs, patients are transferred directly from ICU to a general ward. Some people who had experienced this expressed their concerns (see ‘The general ward: care and environment‘).

He felt that being in HDU could have prevented mistakes made on the ward because of poor…

Age at interview 62

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HDU would have been better for her husband who was still very confused and weak after being in ICU.

Age at interview 56

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Some people recalled being visited by outreach nurses. Outreach services aim to enhance the care of ICU patients on the wards and make the transition easier. Outreach nurses also aim to avert re-admissions to ICU from the wards and to share their nursing skills with other staff in the hospital.

She recalled talking to an outreach nurse about transferring to a ward and valued her support…

Age at interview 35

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Death and bereavement

People are admitted into an intensive care unit when they are so seriously ill that they need intense treatment, constant monitoring and 24-hour nursing care....

The general ward: care and environment

People are transferred from the intensive care unit to a general ward when medical staff decide that they no longer need such close observation and...