Lung cancer: investigations

To help to diagnose lung cancer doctors recommend various investigations. Chest x-rays, sputum tests and blood tests are very common. Most people remembered other investigations such as bronchoscopy, lung biopsy, computer tomography (CT scan), positron emission tomography (PET) – CT (a PET scan combined with a CT scan), bone scan, and lung function tests. While some people felt anxious about tests, others found slides or pictures of their internal organs fascinating.

Recalls having many x-rays and blood tests.

Age at interview 60

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 57

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Describes his bronchoscopy, via the throat, which was painless, and which he found fascinating.

Age at interview 48

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 48

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Bronchoscopy allows doctors to examine, photograph and where possible take a tiny sample (biopsy) of tissue from inside the airways. The procedure does not always provide a conclusive diagnosis. A bronchoscope is a narrow, flexible tube, which is passed either up the nose, or through the mouth and then down the throat. Occasionally doctors need to use a rigid tube to reach parts of the lung, which may be a bit painful. Sometimes patients have a general anaesthetic for this type of bronchoscopy.

Describes having a hard tube passed down his windpipe for his second bronchoscopy.

Age at interview 69

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 66

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Before bronchoscopy many people felt frightened, but after it most said that the procedure did not hurt. Most were given a sedative that made them drowsy and a local anaesthetic, usually a throat spray, to make the procedure more comfortable.

Describes his bronchoscopy via the throat, which did not hurt.

Age at interview 79

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 76

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Describes her bronchoscopy via the nose and stresses that it did not hurt.

Age at interview 46

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 45

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A few people recalled bad experiences. One man, who chose not to have a sedative, described having a bronchoscopy via the throat as ‘horrendous’. However, he said that the discomfort soon passed.

Describes the horrendous’ experience of having a bronchoscopy via the throat, without a sedative.

Age at interview 58

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 55

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A woman, who also had the procedure without a sedative, had local anaesthetic injected via a needle directly into her throat. Her discomfort followed a junior doctor’s five attempts to inject the anaesthetic.

She had a bad experience having a local anaesthetic injected into her throat before her…

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 59

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Some people had a different type of lung biopsy. A needle was passed through the back or chest wall into the lung or into the fluid round the lung. This was usually done during an ultrasound or CT scan. Normally local anaesthetic is used to make the procedure more comfortable; it can be painful if done without local anaesthetic. However, even with anaesthetic the procedure may be painful. Two women suffered a rare complication, a collapsed lung. (See also ‘Pleural effusion and pleurodesis for lung cancer’).

He chose to have a lung biopsy without a local anaesthetic because the doctor said it wouldn’t…

Age at interview 53

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 51

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His lung biopsy was very painful in spite of the local anaesthetic.

Age at interview 43

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 43

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Her lung biopsy was not painful but she suffered a collapsed lung.

Age at interview 76

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 75

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During the biopsy Doris experienced a collapsed lung, which was painful.

Age at interview 80

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 80

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Almost everyone had a CT scan, which is done to see if the cancer has spread to other organs or blood vessels. Sometimes an injection or drink containing a dye is given to highlight other organs. This injection can cause a warm feeling in the genital area. CT scans are also done to help plan radiotherapy.

Describes what it is like to have a CT scan.

Age at interview 53

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 51

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Describes what it was like to have a CT scan.

Age at interview 62

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 62

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Many people had lung function tests to see how well their lungs were working. This simple test usually involves blowing into a mouth piece.

Describes what happens during a lung function test.

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 59

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A few people mentioned other investigations, such as bone scan, brain scan, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan). One woman described feeling a bit claustrophobic when she had an MRI scan.

Explains what it is like to have a bone scan.

Age at interview 73

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 70

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Describes what it was like to have a brain scan.

Age at interview 57

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 57

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Compares a CT scan with an MRI scan, which she found a bit claustrophobic.

Age at interview 62

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55

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A few people described mediastinoscopy, a surgical procedure to examine the lymph nodes behind the lungs. One woman recalled a ventilation-perfusion scan (VQ scan). This studies air flow and blood flow in the lungs and is sometimes used to diagnose a pulmonary embolism (a clot in the lung). It can also help the surgeon to decide if the remaining lung will function well after surgery.

Describes what it is like to have a mediastinoscopy, which he had under a general anaesthetic.

Age at interview 53

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 51

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Describes what is was like to have a VQ scan in the nuclear medicine department.

Age at interview 56

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 52

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A man, who was later diagnosed with mesothelioma, described a thoracoscopy, which he had under a general anaesthetic.

Describes the thoracoscopy which he had before he was diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Age at interview 54

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 53

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One other investigation, positron emission tomography (PET scan), is sometimes used in the assessment of patients before operation. It is now common to have a PET-CT scan, a combination of CT scan which is used to build up a three-dimensional picture and a PET scan where a low-dose of radiation is used to measure the activity of cells.

Derick recalled what it was like to have a PET scan. He described it as quite a peaceful and…

Age at interview 70

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 69

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How it affects you

When people received the diagnosis of lung cancer they experienced various emotions, including fear of death, anxiety and anger. The diagnosis came as a shock,...