Adrian – Interview 13

Adrian was diagnosed with diabetes five years ago. Since then lymphangiectasia (a lymphatic disorder) has also been diagnosed. He takes metformin and gliclazide.

Five years before the interview, Adrian noticed that when he went on long-haul flights that he tended to have swollen ankles, so he consulted his doctor. As a result of the tests, Adrian learnt that he had type 2 diabetes, and several years later he was diagnosed with another, rarer medical condition lymphangiectasia (a disorder of the lymphatic system).

Adrian’s diabetes is managed by diet and also by metformin and gliclazide. He has a private physician who works in conjunction with his GP, and advises him on what medication to prescribe.

Adrian says he was slightly overweight, but that he has lost quite a lot of weight since getting the diagnosis of diabetes. The changes he has made to his diet are mainly as a consequence of lymphangiectasia which has led him to avoid food with any kind of fat or oil content and dairy produce. Adrian’s blood glucose levels are low, and he hopes that with his careful diet and lifestyle, the diabetes will continue to leave his everyday life unaffected. He has had no diabetic complications and has health checks fairly regularly.

Adrian explains that he sees his GP for diabetes care and a private consultant for lymphangiectasia.

Age at interview 53

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 48

Adrian didn’t feel particularly surprised by his diagnosis because his father had had heart…

Age at interview 53

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 48