
Gail, age 55, was diagnosed with asthma at age 40. Gail is white British, and is married with two adult children. She works in a medical centre. Gail experienced her first asthma episode during a particularly stressful time at work and eventually went to the doctor to see why she couldn’t shake off a persistent cough that she had developed. The doctor diagnosed asthma and she was prescribed a reliever inhaler. Gail recently gave up smoking and has found that overall she feels healthier and her chest and lungs feel much clearer.

Gail was diagnosed with asthma when she 40. She experienced her first asthma episode during a particularly stressful time at work and eventually went to the doctor to see why she couldn’t shake off a persistent cough that she had developed. The doctor diagnosed asthma and she was prescribed a reliever inhaler. Her asthma is triggered by stress, cold air, and some allergens such as gloss paint, nail varnish and perfume. Although Gail was later prescribed a preventer inhaler to use, she found that her asthma was fairly mild and infrequent so she rarely used the preventer inhaler.

Gail has managed her asthma on the whole by using her reliever inhaler when she has felt her breathing is becoming more difficult, and by avoiding situations where she might come into contact with things that trigger her asthma.Gail has been a smoker for around 40 years and has recently succeeded in giving up. She says that this has had a marked effect on her asthma, and although she would have been quite insistent that smoking did not affect her asthma before she quit smoking, she is now very sure that smoking must have aggravated her airways because since giving up she rarely experiences asthmatic symptoms.

Gail gave up smoking several months ago after being a smoker for many years and says since then shes hardly had to use her inhaler at all. [AUDIO ONLY]

Age at interview 55

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 40